Breeding Process

Information from suppliers for informational purposes only

The poultries are fed a non-GMO diet. Their feed consists of corn and soybeans- a balance of carbohydrates and protein. There is a powdered probiotic added to the feed that promotes digestive health, which in turn maintains the poultries’ overall health (much like with humans). The probiotic is not absorbed into the meat and is approved by the USDA.
The poultries are not organic as the organic label is more necessary for processed poultry that you would find in a supermarket where consumers have no other way to determine the health and condition of the product.

(In my experience, if people could see the condition of the majority of organic poultries compared to the poultries we raise simply on a healthy diet, adequate floor space, proper sanitation practices, and climate control, they wouldn’t care so much about organic). Our poultry is all-natural-no chemicals and no-hormones.
If a flock becomes sick, we treat them with medicine and allow for a withdrawal period before sale so there is no medicine in the meat. All flocks are tested for disease before they can leave the barn.

The above statement is from our supplier, on how they raise the poultry